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The End!

In our last lecture of the course, Bill Sherman explored different case studies and how they utilize different systems. It was a great way to include all the different principles and systems we have learned over the course of the semester and wrap up and clarify concepts, demonstrating how beautiful buildings can be designed, not around these systems but with them.

One of the case studies Bill spoke about was the  Sidwell Friend’s School in Washington D.C by Kiran Timberlake Associates, Andropogon Associates and Natural Systems International.

At the front of the school, lies a terraced wetland garden planted with various local plants. This garden also functions as part of the wastewater treatment for the building. Thus in this building there a wetland system incorporated where the water is coming through the building through primary filters into bio squalls and being recycled as great water. What is most fascinating is how the courtyard, central place of the building is where the water treatment plant is located, this further explores the concept of complete building integration of nature with the built structure. Furthermore, the storm water run off from the buildings’ green roof is accumulated into a pond that students can use for biology research.

Moreover, the green roof acts as an insulator for the building and also functions as part of the water recycling system. It acts as an outdoor classroom by allowing students to see the green features in the building. These include: rooftop vegetable garden run by the teachers and students, PV cells to provide energy for the building, and solar chimneys that allow for passive ventilation.

For more information:

Another project that Bill spoke about was the Institute for Forestry and Nature Research by Stephan Behnisch in Alterral, Netherlands. This building is interesting as it becomes a solar greenhouse with gardens and intricate spaces are created throughout the space but the building becomes narrow and slivers between garden machines. Another great design strategy is that this building almost needs nothing in terms of energy consumption!

CHL Social Housing is Clad With Bright Blue Louvers for Sun Protection & Privacy

This CHL Social Housing project is a new six-story building containing 39 apartments that are filled with natural daylight and quality space designed by Atelier O-S. It is located in Chalon-sur-Saône, France and is distinguishable with its bright blue louvered façade. These giant blue louvers protect the interior from over heating but maintains daylighting and privacy. The apartment complex was also designed to optimize solar orientation and minimize heat losses.

Moreover, it is the building’s compact design and layout coupled with an interesting shift in layers which gives the facade a kinetic effect.

It is divided in two volumes, one side accommodated 16 apartments surrounding a staircase with natural light, while the other side holds 23 apartments and a lift and a staircase with a basement that provides parking for the residents.

Atelier O-S worked hard to meet the demands of the client of costs and simple organization of the units, while ensuring that residents have access to outdoor space, privacy, and quality construction. Thus each apartment has several views to the exterior and a balcony, which helps draw in natural light and cross ventilation. These exterior balconies are surrounded by large blue louvers that serve multiple purposes.

The blades minimize overheating from the sun and protect the apartments from the elements like wind and rain. They also provide an increased level of privacy and create semi-enclosed spaces in the balconies, which can now double as outdoor living areas.

Designed to respect the THPE 2010 objectives and the CERQUAL profile ( it is in French), the CHL Social Housing complex makes use of increased thermal insulation, reduced thermal bridging, and solar passive design. It is simply yet smartly designed, and the project addresses sustainable development concerns within the urban context.

Burke Lecture

On the 29th November we had a guest lecture from Carrie and Kevin Burke who shared with us some of their design principles and theories when designing. Their focus is towards designing human experience in the built environment through the precise integration of architectural strategies: light, gravity, air, thermodynamics, water and the balance of constancy and change over time. The collaboration of these elements result in a full range of human sensorial capacities and not just visually appealing. Moreover, they support their design by scientific research.

However it was Kevin Burke’s work that stood out during that presentation. He worked at William MCDonough + Partners for 16 years and helped implement the Cradle to Cradle design protocol within building and community designs. He worked on the Oberlin College’s Adam Joseph Lewis Center and NASA’s Sustainability base at Ames Research Center.

Kevin Burke in his presentation talks about the Hannover Principles (1992) which were the precursor to Cradle to Cradle for sustainable design. Some of the points include:

– Insist on the right of humanity and nature to co-exist
– Recognize interdependence
– respect relationships between spirit and matter
– Accept responsibility for the consequences of design
– create safe objects for long term value
– eliminate the concept of waste
– rely on natural energy flows
– understand the limitations of design
– seek constant improvement by sharing knowledge

However, the Project in Netherlands is based on the Almere principles. In which essentially the dying sea was rejuvenated and cleaned. Almere is a new town designed 30 years ago on lane reclaimed from the sea and will be healthy by 2030. The way this was achieved is by following a few points

1. cultivate diversity
2. connect place and context
3. combine city and nature
4. anticipate change
5. continue innovation
6. design healthy systems
7. empower people to make the city

Furthermore, the Oberlin Project had a design strategy that aimed to redefining the relationship between humankind and the environment and to explain our sense of ecological possibilities. This sustainable building also creates awareness among the students as the students educated must learn to:

– power society by sunlight
– stabilize climate
– disinvent the concept of waste
– build prosperity within the limits of natural systems
– preserve biological diversity
– restore damaged ecosystems
– advance the causes of justice and non-violence.

Moreover, Kevin mentioned something that was particularly interesting about LEED buildings that they can have negative aspects as well. By that he meant that they do not have to be good for the society/neighborhood even though LEED designs are meant to be sustainable and beneficial in the long run.

He said that one of the main aspects of designing is not only to reduce the impact of the buildings but the question is to how to create positive effects. Being LEED is just a check list but does not have to create positive effects, therefore choreographing the experience of the building and function of the building – ventilation etc can provide that extra/positive aspect that new developments should incorporate.

Assignment 5

In this assignment I explored certain systems that are present in my studio building design. The site for this project is in New York City on 14th and 10th avenue, adjacent to the High Line and on the West of the site is the Hudson River.The program for this design project is a POD Hotel in New York, for those who come to the city for a short amount of time to view and experience what the city has to offer.

The diagram attached below is a plan of my building in context displaying the distribution of the masses and envelope within the site. Essentially my design is a series of towers that relate to the High Line and its surrounds in a certain way and are connected by circulation throughout the site. The light blue indicates the exterior shell or envelope and the dark blue is the major masses that include the POD rooms, and the red line indicates the area where the sections are taken from.

Moreover, the second diagram shows a study of the wind patterns around the site. This wind distribution diagram was taken from and is a cumulative study of the winds affecting the site throughout the year, and the predominant winds come from the NW and S direction with some from the NE as well. The diagram beside it shows the Plan of the 4th floor and how these winds enter into the core of the site from the passages created by the spaces between the towers.

To dwell upon the specific systems incorporated in the design, the following diagrams explore the design intentions for daylighting, ventilation, use of thermal mass and the building envelope.

Below is the Program distribution depicted in a section of the building showing the public, private and circulation throughout the site. The second diagram analyzes the different systems, thermal mass, ventilation and daylighting, in that section. This section shows the Summer sun entering the building, reflecting throughout the building to allow light to penetrate as far as possible due to the generous glazing of the facade. The thermal buffers are also included to regulate the building temperature. Lastly, the winds from the Hudson bring in a fresh breeze that enters the building. The stack effect is created to regulate the natural air through the building and the temperature to remain moderate.  The stack effect is created when the air outside is warmer then the air inside, and the warmer air will float out the top being replaced by cooler air at the bottom. The same happens when the air inside is cooler except the air inside is replaced with cool air.

Furthermore, I explored a more detailed section of one of the towers to examine the systems at a smaller scale. The program diagram distinguishes the separate zones and displays the function and placement of the envelope.

This diagram shows the Thermal Mass in the summer and winter time and how heat is radiated from the concrete slabs during the summer and in the winter how the heat is retained, having a different effect on the ventilation.

This section diagram, depicts the cross ventilation and stack ventilation. When the door of the pod is open then it allows the air to go through, from the wall with the facade to the staircase. When the door is closed then the distribution of the air is different, creating two separate ventilation paths. Natural ventilation replies on wind and thermal buoyancy as driving forces, so in this case the temperature on the interior and exterior are different creating this buoyancy or stack effect to occur.

Below is a diagram that makes these buffer zones more distinct.

This diagram explores the daylighting entering the room, one is during the summer solstice and the other during the winter solstice. These sun angles were takes from by placing the data of the site. Moreover, the narrow floor plans  allow optimum daylighting conditions and the double envelope facade reduces solar heating in the summer.

The Role of Light in Architecture

The reading, Daylight Design of Buildings, by Nick Bakers and Koen Steemers explores the different roles of light in architecture from different perspectives: that of art and science, emotion and quantity, or heavenly or earthly.
Moreover, light fulfills both personal needs of comfort, health as well as the practical communal needs. Vision is the primary sense through which we experience architecture and light is the medium that allows us to perceive space, form, texture and color.
“…Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of volumes brought together in light…” Le Corbusier.
However, light is not only related to the visual experience of form and space but also thermal qualities. The characteristics of light, heat, air movement and comfort are the key factors in determining a building’s energy consumption, and if careful considerations are paid to design then the use of artificial light can be minimized.
Studying certain precedents, understanding the art of lighting and science of lighting in the architecture allows us to appreciate and instill them the design process. Moreover there is a strong relationship of light with life , which is the reason for its spiritual associations today. This is revealed through the religious architecture that have been constructed since past civilizations.
Examples of this can be the Pantheon in Rome, in which the vast open interior space from the colonnaded peristyle heightens the sensibilities and is accentuated by the bright sunlight from the oculus. Moreover, as the sun moves through the interior, it creates a path that produces strong shadows demonstrating skillful use of light.

Another example in Italy is St.Peter’s Basilica that has a dome as well, similar to the Pantheon, except the dome is a smaller scale and has high clerestory windows to let light in creating sharp spiritual illumination in the grand interior space.

A more recent example is of Tadao Ando’s Church of Light in Japan, in which the space of the chapel is defined by light creating a strong contrast between light and solid. The movement of the shaft of light created by the distinct aperture is supposed to evoke a spiritual bond between the occupant and majestic light.

The power of light in design is made apparent in the National September 11 Memorial at the World Trade Center site in New York. The use of water in refracting and reflecting light is heightened to its maximum, creating a sense of loss and emptiness with the sound of the rushing water and the sheer expanse of dropping space into the darkness. This dark pit is contrasted with the shining light from the sunlight/ moon light or artificial lighting.

These examples make it evident that it is possible to sculpt with light and create an envelope to allow daylight to be brought in through the various recesses.

Assignment 5: Sustainable Thinking through the eyes of Michelle Kaufmann

Michelle Kaufmann is an award winning green architect and sustainable living expert who has drastically changed the design for homes by venturing in modern prefab housing methods. She believes that due to increase worry about global warming and the need to bring about change, architects are the main component to bring about a change in the system as inefficient buildings are the main reason to this change in the environment. Thus Michelle highlights the need to bring about a change in the system by providing thoughtful sustainable design for everyone. She emphasizes on Five Eco-Principles that should be incorporated in the design for homes that would dramatically produce more efficient and positive results for the resident as well as the environment.

The diagram above shows the basic relationship of architecture to global warming and states the five Eco-Principles: smart design, eco-materials, energy efficiency, healthy environment and water conservation. For the purpose of this project I have researched the five principles, stating possible solutions to bring about this change. However, to narrow it down there is a greater emphasis depicted on Smart Design and Water Conservation through sectional studied of one of Michelle Kaufmann’s Prefab houses: mkSolaire.

The flow chart above describes the different components of smart design that are sustainable and green, thus would be better for the environment and the health of the residents, at the same time incorporating these various systems in a house can have a drastic impact on the monthly bills as well, making it more affordable and cheaper in the long run.

The section diagram above is of mkSolaire which is a modern home for green living in an urban context. This home is completely solar and uses nontoxic, recycled and renewable materials. This home has large skylights, high ceilings and places the windows of the house in a very strategic manner to bring in natural sunlight in the house as well as balancing that sunlight to prevent glare and high contrasts in the house that can be uncomfortable for the eye.

This diagram also shows how natural ventilation occurs in the house by creating a ‘chimney effect’ with the open space in the middle, functional windows and a roof deck. The ‘chimney effect’ is also known as the stack effect and is the movement of air into and out of homes, in this case, and is driven by buoyancy (difference in air density indoors and outdoors).

Other systems, that are not included in this diagram but are present in this house, is the use of SIP’s (structurally insulated panels), energy efficient HVAC system, double pane glass windows and doors (with low E) that also help making the house more sustainable.

This flow chart emphasizes on the ways to make the water system and supply in homes more sustainable. In American homes the inflow of water to every opening is of freshwater, which is a waste of a natural resource that can easily be avoided. Not all water uses require clean freshwater even though it is provided. In the diagram I have shown the same home, mkSolaire by Michelle Kaufmann, to explain an efficient way of water use in a home.

This section shows the installation of system that collects rain water from the roof and other areas and reuses it for those activities that do not require freshwater. In this case water is collected from the roof and is supplied to the green roof and collected in a reflecting pool which is then stored in the storage tank, and with the energy collected from the photovoltaic panels, the water pump is supplied with energy to provide the garden with water as well.

In this section diagram the bathroom is highlighted to show a smaller scale system of reusing water, the gray water system. In our homes, we need freshwater supply for our sinks in the kitchen, the tap in the bathroom and for showers, however we do not require freshwater for our clothes washer and the toilet. Just including a system that does not use freshwater for the toilet can have up to 3000 gallons of freshwater annually. The diagram shows a plan and section view of the distribution of the inflow of freshwater and the outflow of waste water produced, but it has another loop or system of gray water introduced. The water from the shower and the bathroom tap are filtered and reused after purification for the washer and the toilet.

Furthermore, to point out the water crisis in the world the graph below clearly indicates how much water consumption has increased over the years. Water is an undervalued resource in the U.S, maybe because 70% of the earth is covered in water so it seems that there is ample amount of water. However saltwater accounts for almost 97% of the worlds water supply. Of the remaining freshwater, 70% is stored in glaciers and permafrost. Therefore, about 30% of the 2.53% of the plants water is available to meet the needs of all other live forms that depend on freshwater. It is estimated that humans currently appropriate more that 50% of that accessible freshwater flow.

The other Eco-Principles are represented in the diagrams below:


Kaufmann, Michelle, and Catherine Remick. Prefab Green. Layton, UT: Gibbs Smith, 2009.

Kaufmann, Michelle, and Kelly M. Teevan. “Turning the Tides of Crisis: Prioritizing Water Conservation before It’s Too Late.” Michelle Kaufmann Companies: 1-13.

Meyers, Victoria. Designing with Light. New York: Abbeville, 2006.

Fontoynont, Marc. Daylight Performance of Buildings. London: James & James (Science) for the European Commission, Directorate General XII for Science, Research and Development, 1999.

Phillips, Derek, and Carl Gardner. Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Architectural, 2004.

Daylighting : Assignment 4, Part 1

The aim of this assignment is to explore the concept of Daylighting and how this controlled admission of natural light can have a great impact towards sustainable efforts, and what design strategies should be understood during the design process.

I use light abundantly, as you may have suspected; Light for me is the fundamental basis of architecture. I compose with light.
– Le Corbusier

The term “Daylighting” refers to using careful design to allow controlled sunlight to illuminate a building’s interior, thus reducing reliance on electric lighting. Daylighting can reduce operating costs and emissions, increase user productivity, and create a visually stimulating interior environment, while potentially reducing as much as 33% of the total building energy costs.

Daylighting is a dynamic lighting technology that involves consideration of heat gain, glare, variations in light availability, and sunlight penetration into a building. Therefore a successful design will address details such as shading devices, aperture size and spacing, glazing materials and surface reflectance characteristics. Thus daylighting is not so much how to provide enough daylight as how to do so without its possible undesirable effects.

Daylighting System:
Daylight apertures – skylights and windows
Daylight responsive lighting control system
Integrated design approach (building form, siting, climate, location of windows, lighting controls, and lighting design criteria).

A daylighting system consists of systems, technologies, and architecture. While not all of these components are required for everyday daylighting design, one or more of the following are present:
Daylight- optimized building footprint (maximize north and south exposure rather than east and west)
Climate responsive window-to-wall ratio (deals with issue of heat loss/gain)
High performance glazing
Skylights (active or passive)
Tubular daylight devices
Solar shading devices
Daylight responsive electric lighting controls
Daylight optimized interior design (furniture etc.)

There are many reasons for the interest in daylighting, the increasing cost of fossil fuels and the realization that sources of electricity have a finite life; but more important are the less tangible aspects of daylighting which relate more to the human spirit and the need for a quality of life.

These less tangible aspects that compose the interior environment include:
1. Change and variety: The human desire for change created by the changes in the season, the weather and time of day.
2. Modelling: The direction of natural light providing shadow patterns giving them the appearance that we associate with the natural world.
3. Orientation: Is not only important for the external siting of the building to maximize the influence of diurnal change, but to enable those within a building to establish themselves in relation to the world outside.
4. Sunlight Effect: Has a therapeutic effect.
5. Color: Natural color may vary throughout the day, but there is no artificial source that can match it
6. View out

The design of windows is in constant development, both in the form of the aperture through which the daylight comes and in the nature of glass or other transparent material allowing the light to enter.
Apart from apertures in the wall, there are rooflight/ skylights or atrium spaces, covered by glazed glass, which admit light into the space. These apertures monitor the external atmosphere keeping out the rain, whilst contributing to ventilation and reducing the necessity for air-conditioning.
There are multiple methods of glazing, depending on the desired outcome, which include: clear glazing; tinted glass; patterned glass; wired glass; laminated glass; glass blocks; high tech glazing.

However, there is a need for solar shading:
1. To reduce the effect of hear gain from the sun
2. To cut down sun glare experienced through the windows
3. The provision of privacy. It includes external shading, internal shading and alternative glazing.



  • Hopkinson, Ralph Galbraith, P. ,. Petherbridge, and James Longmore. Daylighting. London: Heinemann, 1966.
  • Meyers, Victoria. Designing with Light. New York: Abbeville, 2006.
  • Ander, Gregg D. Daylighting Performance and Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995.
  • Fontoynont, Marc. Daylight Performance of Buildings. London: James & James (Science) for the European Commission, Directorate General XII for Science, Research and Development, 1999.
  • Millet, Marietta S., and Catherine Jean. Barrett. Light Revealing Architecture. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996.
  • Phillips, Derek, and Carl Gardner. Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Architectural, 2004.


This interactive window shows an integrated approach to the environmental control of a building and is designed with the following criteria in mind:

  1. The provision of daylight
  2. To solve the problem of mechanically controlled building ventilation
  3. To cater for adequate thermal insulation
  4. To provide adequate sound insulation for normal circumstances
  5. To control solar gain and diminish sun and sky glare

Design Strategies that should be considered are:

  • Increase perimeter daylight zones (to maximize the usable daylighting area)
  • Allow daylight penetration high in a space (to reduce the likelihood of excessive brightness)
  • Reflect daylight within a space to increase room brightness.
  • Slope ceilings to direct more light into a space.
  • Avoid direct beam daylight on critical visual tasks
  • Filter daylight
  • Understand that different building orientations will benefit from different daylighting strategies; for example, light shelve, which are effective on south facades are often ineffective on east or west elevations of buildings.

These Design recommendations and use of daylighting are evident in certain case studies listed below. For the final assignment, I would like to construct basic digital and/or physical constructs to demonstrate the effect of these examples.

1. Students Union at the University of Warwick by Casson Conder :
Environmentally friendly building- use of artificial energy is minimized
Students Union, University of Warwick
Students Union, University of Warwick2
Students Union, University of Warwick_Diagram
Students Union, University of Warwick_Diagram2

2. Serpentine Gallery Pavilion by Toyo Ito:
The purpose of this building was basically a restaurant during the day, and it was mist successful in this, with views out on to Kensington Gardens, in which there is no need for lighting.
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion

3. Layer House by Hitoaki Ohtani in Japan:
A slated skylight allows the fun to cast patterns on the wall
Layer House

4. Anatomical Lecture Theater, Uppsala, Sweden:
Olof Rudbeck designed and built this theater in 1662. this octagonal room is daylit with two circular arrays of clerestories which admit moderate quantities of glare-free daylight, except when sunbeams penetrate the space. Due to this design, daylight light replaces light from fires. This example makes it evident that for centuries daylight has been one of the main components of structuring a space.
Anatomical Lecture Theatre
Anatomical Lecture Theatre_
Anatomical Lecture Theatre_Daylight Monitoring
Anatomical Lecture Theatre_Daylight Monitoring2

Below are some study models I have made that show different light filtering qualities. I would potentially explore a case study and create physical model method, as displayed below, and integrate it with digital modeling.

Assignment 3- Energy

The energy consumption that I have mapped is of a 4 hour period on a relaxing Saturday morning in Karachi, Pakistan. When I wake up the first thing I would do is turn off the single AC unit in my room. Other activities that would occur are watching some TV, catching up on the news, use the bathroom, turn light switches on or off (eg in bathroom), fix breakfast and make some tea.

Energy Mapping- Systems

To explain the roots and distribution of energy consumed, I have attached a diagram that helps form links between the sources of energy and demonstrates the complexity linked to a single action that we make during an ordinary day, such as turning a light switch on. The diagram is divided into three main systems: electrical, water and gas, and are linked to the ultimate source of energy: the Sun. There are two types of energy that can be formed: renewable and non-renewable. Non-renewable energy consists of nuclear energy and fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are created by the decay of living organism, which can not sustain without the sun, and nuclear reaction is found from mining the earth for Uranium 238. Renewable resources on the other hand create energy that are sustainable and do not have an adverse affect on the environment. Combustion of fossil fuels release several toxins that prevent a healthy life for living organisms. Renewable resources include hydroelectric power, which is generated from the kinetic energy that water flow can produce; wind energy is created by turbines that use the pressure difference created by the sun to form wind.
Moreover, the energy created from these sources provide electricity in our homes and places we inhibit, as well as provide us with a water and gas supply as illustrated in the diagram. However,  actions that use energy also waste some energy in different forms, for example the movement of turbines cause heat, which is a form of energy. Another negative impact that the system creates is of pollution. The incorrect disposal of chemicals pollutes the water and air with unwanted toxins, as well as the combustion of fuel from transportation or from industries release harmful chemicals in the air and creates noise pollution.

After creating this webbed diagram there are several ways that can be pointed out that will decrease the negative impact certain actions cause and help in being more sustainable. On an individual level the use of water can be controlled, i.e the plumbing system. The excess use of water from a tap can be very wasteful even if we think that keeping the faucet running for a few minutes longer is not a big deal. Water consumption, as we can see from the diagram, is linked to the electrical production (renewable or non-renewable) and now with the increasing pollution, it  requires more time and resources to purify the water. Some ways to make this system more sustainable would be by incorporating technological advancements in our bathrooms. There are toilets that have an option to flush at a high power or low power, water taps can have motion sensing signals to only flow water if the there is some motion taking place in front of the sensor.
On the scale of a habitable level, viewing the household scale, we can analyze the use of electricity. All of our appliances at home consume electricity and consuming electricity we deplete more of our non-renewable resources. Even something as simple as keeping a light switch on effects , for example, the amount of coal burned to produce electricity to keep that one light on. Therefore, we must utilize less energy and establish more sustainable practices. When we are not using an appliance a simple move as turning the outlet power off could have a big impact. For air-conditioning units, in Karachi, there are single units installed in every room rather than a central system of heating and cooling in the USA. This can be more sustainable because it does not consume energy to provide heating or cooling for a space that is not utilized by no one and instead specific rooms will be cooled/heated according to people utilizing the space. Window treatments can also be important because if the windows are treated well with insulation systems there will be  less use of energy to make up for the hot or cool day by the AC/Heat unit. Moreover, photovoltaic or solar panels can be installed at homes to generate some amount of energy, specially because in Karachi the sun is present most of the year.
On a scale of an infrastructural level, we can view the consumption of fossil fuels and how it impacts the world. From the diagram it is evident that combustion of fossil fuels is linked to our everyday actions as well as the fact that fossil fuels creates pollution that decreases health and ends life. Transportation also uses petrol, which is a fossil fuel, thus releases harmful chemicals in the air all living organisms breathe. To decrease the adverse affect created, there should be an emphasis in using public transport, which in Karachi is barely done due to the system being disorganized and several social barriers. There should also be a stress on sustainable practices and promotion of solar panels to produce electricity.

41 Cooper Square

Over fall break all the third year architecture students were taken to NY for our site visit. However, we saw a lot of interesting architecture over the course of the four days we were there. One of the most striking new buildings we saw was the new building for Cooper Union.

41 Cooper Square, is the new academic building for The Cooper Union, which is based off of multiple energy efficient and sustainable design tasks making it the first LEED-certified academic laboratory building in New York City. Despite this extended effort to make the building hold the principles for future construction, it still manifested the character and culture of both the 150-year-old institution and of the city in which it was founded. Thus this iconic building uses visual transparencies and accessible public spaces to connect the institution to the physical, social and cultural fabric of its urban context.

This building achieved this Platinum rating through various advanced green building initiatives, such as the operable building skin or façade make from perforated stainless steel panels, which offset from a glass and aluminum window wall. This exterior double skin later wraps the building to provide critical interior environmental control but at the same time creating moments where the creative activities from within can be viewed. The panels also reduced the impact of heat radiation during the summer and insulate the interior during the winter.

Moreover, the ceiling contains radiant heating and cooling panels that implement innovative HVAC technology that boosts energy efficiency, making the building 40% more energy efficient compared to a standard building of its type.  There is also a green roof that insulates the building and helps regulate the temperature of the interior, at the same time protecting it from storm water runoff and pollutants (this water is contained and reused minimizing wastage or unnecessary water consumption).

Furthermore, 75% of the building’s occupied spaces are illuminated by natural daylight. A full-height atrium enables unique circulation as well as improves the flow of air and provides increased interior day lighting. The laboratories, studio spaces and classrooms are also specifically designed to accommodate the teaching objectives as well as future research activities. Not only is this building LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified, for reasons stated above, but is very sustainable as well. The fact that Cooper Union’s initial choice and treatment of the site for the new building was on the existing plot rather than expanding,  proves its commitment to sustainability.  During construction, there was also en emphasis on the safe removal of toxins and pollutants, and after construction on recycling the demolished materials as much as possible. The exterior double skin wall possess sustainable qualities as it enhances and improves the building performance by controlling the sunlight penetration in the scorching heat and reduce energy loss in the cold weather.

This building serves as a great example for future design strategies, as it contains progressive green building initiatives that create several interior systems that feed off from one and another.

Assignment 2_The UVa Bay Game

According to Meadows “System is an interconnected set of elements that is coherently organized in a way that achieves something”, which basically highlights the necessary components in a system: Interconnections, elements and a purpose/function. In the UVa Bay Game that we played in class we explored these components of a system. For the Chesapeake Bay watershed there are many of these elements that form feedback loops and reinforcing loops such as the land development, or crop wastes, crab stock and pollution from other sources.

In the diagram attached I explore the elements that effect the crab stock in a Bay and how certain regulations made can help alter the Bay Health. Land development and seasons are two elements explored that can alter the crab stock. The increase of land development means privatization and urban sprawl. This development of hard surfaced roads etc lead to surface run off into the Bay, polluting the water with harmful substances such as nitrogen and phosphorus. This has an adverse effect on the Bay Health, decreasing the crab stock. Seasons also have an impact, as there are certain seasons that crabs should be caught in. This leads to an increase in the number of crabbers, thus increasing the amount of dredging taking place. Dredging disturbs the ecosystem and brings waste materials up to the surface that may contain toxic chemicals decreasing the amount of crab population. The diagrams on the side show the regulators decisions in improving the Bay Health and the four possibilities have different bay health and crab stock statuses. Assignment2_diagram

In the bay game, I was a waterman for Rappahannock and what I realized was that a waterman basically has the least control in shaping the game. Instead it is the land developer and regulator that could drastically change the way the game was heading. The submissions I made were very drastic from each other, one being very sustainable and wanting to improve the Bay Health so least amount of dredging, and the other one trying to achieve maximum profit by dredging almost all the days, however my decisions did not seem to effect the final report. It was then when I realized that the land developer and regulator controlled the Health of the Rappahannock and its economic stability as well. The taxes and incentives set for the farmers and land developer by the regulator contributed the most to the economic aspect of the game. As far as Bay Health goes I realized that the manure from the cattle, which contains high amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus, was used as fertilizer and due to the increase in urban sprawl there was a larger amount of hard surfaced roads that allowed runoff into the Bay. This cause was more detrimental to the Bay Health than dredging by the waterman.

The Bay Game has various limitations to it for the policy makers making it pretty inflexible. It also does not take into account all of the factors that would be included in the system in real life, otherwise this game would get way  too complicated. But a strategy to improve the bay health could be as drastic as converting all the produce made through organic farming and minimize the use of fertilizers. This would in turn boost the bay health immensely as nitrogen and phosphorus would not enter the water through surface run-off. However, this idea is very impractical as the costs for farming would shoot up, decreasing the profits made and the economy would suffer. But instead maybe the farms could start practicing other sustainable methods on the land they have by dividing the land they own to try and test out various farming methods. This would not be too burdensome on the farmers either and could potentially lead to better farming practices and environments.

There are a few ways that I can think of to improve the accuracy or prediction of the Bay Game. I think that having prior knowledge of the functions of the bay game would be very helpful and knowing more about the role the individual has in the game. Since everyone playing the game is in a unique position and the game moves pretty fast, it is hard to grasp the effect every decision made by everyone. I was a waterman in the game and it is very obvious what a waterman does but in the context of the game, it took me a while to understand my role combined with the others in my group. I also think that for someone like the regulator it would be important for them to understand the importance their decision makes to the game. If the incentives and consequences were made explicit it would be easier for everyone else in the group to understand what is going on. Another factor that could be included for better prediction could be the extinction rate of the organisms. As a waterman, I noticed the crab stock in the game was unlimited, however in the real-world they are not. Instead over dredging can allow certain species, maybe not crabs but others who are dredged by mistake with the crabs, to become extinct and this can be measured in the game somehow.